Style Guile is designed to offer outfits which work on a daily basis for busy women (Mums and non-Mums included), which reference different trends, different brands and different price points. I also try to include the odd dollop of humour into my posts and a pinch of irony. No-one in fashion should take themselves too seriously!
Married with three children, I work as a Stylist, TV Presenter and Influencer. Style Guile is an extension of my styling work and much as I love posting, blogging has to fit around the other demands on my time. So, if there's the odd spelling mistake, a slightly out of focus photograph (our children take most of my photos) or an outfit "miss" please don't hold it against me!
There are lots of fantastic fashion blogs out there and I know because I read them. Those blogs are beautifully designed, styled, photographed, edited and very aspirational. If you only like the style of blog which offers a chance to step off the world for a while (and I wouldn't blame anyone if they did), Style Guile may not be for you.
Style Guile's feet are very firmly on the ground. So, if like me you are a busy Mum, doing your best to juggle all of those glass balls, whilst occasionally dropping the odd one and where trying to step out of the front door looking half decent, rather than step off the world, is your aim for the day - Style Guile may just be for you!
Even if you aren't the same shape or size as me, I hope that you can take inspiration from the outfits that I show. Whether it is the colour combination of the clothes, the accessories that I use, the shapes of the pieces or the advice that I give, I hope that there will be something for everyone. If you feel under-represented please drop me a line and I will see what I can do to rectify it. There is always an open invitation for anyone to feature on Style Guile, so please do let me have your photographs.
I really hope that you enjoy reading Style Guile as much as I enjoy writing it. And thank you so much for reading!