When I came across this raspberry yesterday I thought that it deserved to be shared with the world - so here it is! I wondered whether heart shaped raspberries were, in fact, a common occurence but on checking the rest of the punnet, it seemed to be a one off. I just thought that it was so cute.
From my own experience, and from styling many others too, I know how difficult day time skirts can be. Not only are they, at the very minimum, a two piece outfit (as opposed to a dress which can be a one piece outfit) but there's the whole issue of the right shoes, how to accessorise and so on.
So, this week's article for Easy Living online looks at five different styles of skirts which can be worn in the daytime, together with style tips on how to wear them. Obviously not every style will suit every shape but there should be something for everyone and hopefully you may be inspired to try something which you may not have done so otherwise.
An image of a true bell shaped skirt was hard to find, so you may need to imagine it in another colour - but it is a shape definitely worth giving some consideration to.
I hope that you enjoy the article and that you find it useful. Thanks for reading!