Just to set the scene - I am sat on the loo (lid down) typing this with my feet balanced on our daughter's Ikea stool so that the lap top doesn't fall on to the floor. And why am I in the bathroom? I am partaking of that irritating six weekly task of eradicating the grey from my hair. I don't really like to use the word eradicate actually - it reminds me of a case I worked on in my previous career where there was a plot by two people to "eradicate" a man. This was successfully achieved by shooting him four times. Nice. Anyway the chemical cocktail should soon eradicate these little blighters and at least I am using my time wisely in multi-tasking.
We have this toaster made by Dualit which is totally rubbish (I was going to call it Dual(sh)it but I took legal advice and was advised not to so I haven't). It doesn't ever switch itself off but instead nukes the toast. I have filled the kitchen with dense black smoke more times than I care to remember. We also have a lovely stainless steel bin but the lid on the rim has broken so that doesn't work properly and nor does the computer. The computer chair, which I also like, has a great big crack in it. But can I break the green tea pot which I bought in 1995? Can I flip. Even breaking the lid would be a start as you can't really use a teapot successfully without a lid but will that break either? Of course it won't. We're not really a disposable kind of family - replacing things just for the sake of it, which is why we have a house full of things which don't quite work but which aren't quite broken enough to part with...and a bright green teapot.
I am not quite sure where all of this is leading but I think it's towards the point that...oh flip, I have just checked the clock and I had better rinse my hair so that I avoid doing an impression of Paul McCartney with his plum hues. OK, sorted now - so the point is that, when it comes to clothes, it's never the things that you don't like that get trashed but always the dry clean/most expensive/gift from a loved one type of item that cops it. Do you remember hearing about how VB took her new crocodile skin bag to the pub on Christmas day and how one of her boys blew a candle out, covering it in wax in the process - well it's that kind of thing. Whilst I don't agree with the concept of a crocodile skin bag, I can identify with the pain of a brand new item being trashed. Maybe the answer is never to have anything new and then it can't be an issue. Oh what twaddle.
Because I did a hero post yesteday you were spared my witterings - hence the double dose today! Yesterday I spent a couple of very pleasant hours shopping for a client who has some events coming up. Oh the joy of wandering around House of Fraser choosing things that I thought would work for her. I have some fab shoes but can't really show them to you yet. She is coming round tomorrow for me to style her so I may be able to show them to you later on in the day.
...after this shot was taken I then went to the shoe department and acquired another large pink bag, with four pairs of shoes in it. I think I nearly got knocked off my feet about five times whilst walking back to the car but having said that I probably took out about 15 shoppers so the odds were in my favour.
Today I was helping a lady with a design for her wedding dress, as she has some concerns with it. I am confident that it will all turn out well for her and that she will look beautiful on her big day.
So tomorrow I am hoping to bring you a few styles of shoes which I have seen and like but for now I will leave you with this thought...
Today's outfit top - Cos skirt and jumper, Red patent KG shoes
Previous day's outfit - Benetton skirt, Jigsaw shoe boots, House of Fraser pink bags